Friday, November 15, 2013

Shrinking Bigfoot Workshop

The wonderful people from Seattle City Light came and did a follow-up to our assembly in our classroom for all of the 4th graders.  

We started off by explaining and reviewing some renewable types of resources that we have in the Pacific Northwest, namely Seattle, like heat and wind energy.

And we talked about how the excessive traffic we have in Seattle is putting out a lot of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that causes the Earth to heat up.

Then we played a game that was like memory with a twist!  Students had to choose two cards that matched.  The cards showed different ways that the students can make choices around their house that are beneficial to our environment.  For example, in our homes we can change to LED or high efficiency light bulbs instead of the standard ones.  What other choices can you make?

Once students found a match, they had to choose a card from the gameboard.  Then, their group had to brainstorm how this was helping the environment or other ways they can improve their choices.

We had a LOT of fun and learned a LOT about energy and how we can make better choices for our environment to make sure that we are leaving it better than we found it.  Draw a footprint on MONDAY on your planner for bonus points.  :)

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