Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday Grumbles

Getting back into the swing of school and work is a hard thing for everyone!  I know I had a hard time giving up summer break but the time has come to be back in school and our class is having a hard time getting back into the swing of things.   The grumbles and complaints were out in full force today and that is something we will continue to work on as we get back into "school mode". 

I've been letting the kids know that when they are grumbling from the start of the day, it sets a bad tone for their day from the minute they walk in the door and that's not what we want!  We want HAPPY students who are excited to be here!  I know I am excited, so I want to see that excitement from them!  :)  Things that can help are making sure your student gets a full night's sleep each night and sending students with healthy snacks and lunches that are full of nutrients, like protein, so they stay full.  As growing students I know sometimes food goes super fast, especially for those kiddos who are just growing like weeds!, but that healthy snack will help manage that hunger.  And as a reminder, peanut and nut products are not allowed in our room due to severe allergies.  Thanks!  :)

Science was a LOT of fun today!  Students got to experiment with a D-cell battery and small motor with wires to get the motor shaft to spin!  Every group was successful and it was a great time!  For an extra $10, have your student draw a diagram of one way they connected the battery and motor so that it WOULD spin!  :) 

Math homework came home today so have an eye out for that.

Also, tomorrow during writing we will be decorating our writer's notebooks so I encourage everyone to bring pictures, magazine cutouts, stickers, etc to decorate and personalize those notebooks! 

See you Wednesday!!

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