Thursday, October 17, 2013

Guest Blogger: Ashton

 Classroom points and the mystery bonus!!!
 In our classroom (P4) each table group can earn points for being on task, working hard, doing a good job on your work, etc.  Every once in a while however many points the table with the least amount of points has earned is how much points the class will have. With those points the class can get prizes like popcorn, extra recess, being able to watch a movie, etc.
            Every Monday morning every table has a choice to participate in something called a mystery bonus. After every table has told Mrs. Lippert if they want to participate in the mystery bonus Mrs. Lippert opens up an envelope and pulls out a card. It either says you will earn some points, or lose some points. Every table who participates in the mystery bonus has to either lose the points the card says or win the points the card says.

**Thanks Ashton for helping others understand more about our classroom!  I love that you're helping others learn more about what we do in P4.  So far the mystery bonus has been pretty poor!  Twice students have lost over 50 points!  Luckily the students are doing a great job making up those points!

Write Ashton on your planner for tonight to earn extra points for your table!

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