Monday, February 4, 2013

Science Fair Update

Just a couple quick reminders today!
  1. Students should be coming home with a class list of names just in case you're interested in sending in Valentine's Day cards.  Just a reminder that there must be one sent for everyone if you're sending them.  Since Valentine's Day is on a furlough day, there will NOT be a party happening, just passing out Valentines.  Thank you for not sending extra food.
  2. The Winter Beach Night is THIS Friday from 6:30 to 8:30 and there is an informational flyer that should be coming home with students today if you're interested in coming.
  3. Any student who is 10 years old is eligible to participate in safety patrol and applications came home today as well.  If you're interested, sign the paperwork and turn it in to me so that I can sign it and give it to Mrs. Sherman so she can schedule a training for new patrol members.
  4. Wednesday is an early release for students - just as an FYI. 
Science fair resources should have been done today, but many students didn't have any.  If students aren't finishing their science fair pieces on time, they will be kept in at recess to finish those pieces for as long as it takes to complete.  Furthermore, if students don't have a list of resources at this point, they are already behind, which is not a place you want to be for the science fair.  Students now must create a hypothesis by Wednesday, which should be in the form, "What is the effect of _____ on _____?"  For example, What is the effect of sunlight on plant growth?  Students in fourth grade are NOT doing reports so students are not explaining HOW anything is done.  They should be testing the effect of one variable on their tested subject.  Thanks for helping steer our students away from reports!  :)

Most of the class came home with their clay map today.  Ask them what the different colors mean!  If they can tell you, write SS on their planner for bonus table points!  This is still valid tomorrow when the rest of the maps come home.  :) 

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