Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Year and New Room!

WOW!  Back to school time is ALREADY here!!  Time definitely flew by us this summer.  I spent my summer relaxing, hanging out on Pinterest (yes, I'm obsessed too!), and playing with my new puppy, Otto!  He's a mini husky and just super cute - I showed his baby picture to the students so they could see him!  :)

Well the past two days have been great out in P4!  We are really thankful to be in the portables with this sudden heat wave because we have air conditioning!  Thank goodness, otherwise most of us would be sweaty zombies by lunch time. 

We have a TON of supplies we are trying to find room for, so thank you for making sure that your students are prepared for 4th grade!  We have a REALLY busy year ahead of us with math, reading, science (we have 3 science kits this year which are fairly intense), social studies, where we are studying Washington State history, and writing which will be a HUGE emphasis to bump up the level so we are ready for the MSP this spring!  Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about it!

Thanks so much for checking our class blog!  Make sure that you are signing the students' planners nightly.  Planners are also a great way to communicate with me (other than email of course) if you need something quick to chat about.  I will try to check those daily to see any notes that may have been left for me.

Students should have brought home their packet of information from the office today.  That needs to be returned ASAP.  Also, students need to bring in $5 to pay for our class magazine we get monthly which is National Geographic Explorer.

Ask your student about our classroom economy!  We spent a long time deciding on salaries for our class jobs! Ask your student to tell you what their ideal job would be and why.  Write down the name of the job under today's day in the planner and it will be worth $5 in class money!  :)  Let's see who is checking in today!  :)

Have a wonderful night and see you Friday!

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