Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Just wanted to send out a quick reminder that tomorrow is our ALL DAY field trip to Cedar River Watershed.  Due to the long distance to the field trip and the time of our appointment, we will be LEAVING school at 9:15 - yes, that is technically before the school day even starts officially!  We are asking that students arrive at 9:05 am so that we are pulling out on the buses at 9:15 to make the long journey on time!

Students (and chaperones - if you're willing to go and haven't signed up already, please let me know ASAP because we need more!) need to bring:
  1. A hearty lunch and snack
  2. A FULL water bottle for drinks during our day
  3. An empty backpack - other than the lunch and water bottle, of course!
  4. WARM clothes and dress in layers - last year there was everything from sun to snow so let's be prepared!  It's not a bad idea to pack gloves or a hat in your backpack to be prepared!
  5. Shoes that can get dirty and will keep you dry - no sandals or Crocs if possible, please

We are going to have a GREAT time and get a jump start on our awesome ecosystems unit in science so let's make it a great day together!

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