Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rough Drafts due Tomorrow!

Students have spent the last 2 days in class drafting their realistic fiction stories.  Their finished rough draft is due tomorrow in class.  Students who are not finished should have brought their writing notebooks home to make sure they finished on time.  Stories should be at least 2 pages written, though if your students is writing more than 10 pages, please either let me know so I can help them focus their ideas or help them narrow it down at home.  If this is taking more than an hour to finish, please draw a line and sign where students left off and I will know that is has been attempted at home.  If students are not done they will be spending their recess time making up the work that is not completed since students were given a lot of work time in class to start.

Permission slips are coming home today for the Jazz Nutcracker at Roosevelt field trip that will happen November 29th.  The trip costs $4 per person, chaperones included.  We would love to have you chaperone our trip so if you are interested, please mark on the permission slip and I will contact you with more details as the date gets closer.  The first group that has all of their permission slips signed and returned will get 10 bonus points for their group. 

Today we also spent our entire afternoon (from 2-the end of the day) at YADA.  Ask your student what YADA was and what happened!  We had a lot of fun!  If your student tells you about YADA, write YADA in their planner for bonus points.

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