Monday, October 1, 2012

First Class Store Coming Friday

October is already here - wow is this year going by quickly!

Today was a rough day for behaviors in the classroom overall.  Our class has a LOT of personality which makes things difficult to contain all of that personality in a positive way.  After our math MAP test behavior wasn't great at all.  We had a chat in class about following expectations and hopefully tomorrow will be better.  Please help emphasize at home the importance of listening to instructions the FIRST time and respecting others by not interrupting while they are talking, since those are both common concerns in our class. 

This week we start music and art, which is super exciting!  We also have our reading MAP test on Thursday so make sure students are well rested and well fed that day.

Friday will be our first class store for students who have been participating well during class this week.  If you have any small items to donate to our class store that would be greatly appreciated!  Some examples are erasers, pencils, small toys, stuffed animals, etc.  Anything kids would get excited about, especially large packs of stuff from the Dollar Store are always good hits with the class!  :)  We would love any extra support from home and can't wait to see what you send in!  The kids are SUPER excited for Friday's store.

Thanks for keeping in touch with our virtual classroom!

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