Monday, October 10, 2011


Well another Monday has passed us and wow was it a fast one! Must have been eventful weekends because everyone was so tired today! :)

Since we have a shortened week we don't have a celebrity of the week and we won't have a spelling list since we want to make sure we have plenty of practice time. Enjoy the week off of spelling and get ready for more long vowels next week!

Today we finished our fall art mobiles and they turned out GREAT! Pictures coming soon!

Since we don't have spelling homework this week we have other homework that will be coming home this week. Today students have writing where they need to finish re-writing their discovery drafts of their personal narratives. Parent input is GREATLY appreciated for students. As a group we are having a really hard time understanding that the first draft we write is not perfect and needs to have adjustments made, whether that be spelling, paragraphing, grammar, etc. The kids seemed outraged when I suggest that they re-write a clean draft so we can continue editing this week. Once we started editing, though, they realized how much could be adjusted and changed.... and we haven't even started paragraphing! :) Baby steps and we will get there together!

We have also started working on alphabetizing and this week we will spend a lot of time working on dictionary skills. Dictionary skills are really important at this age to build vocabulary and have the ability to find words in a reasonable amount of time. Since the dictionaries are alphabetical we start with alphabetizing. Most of us did a fantastic job today and I was surprised how much they already knew! I can see this will be no problem for us which is great to hear! We are started building vocabulary next week and those dictionaries will be a lot of help for us!

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